Understanding Bitwise Operators
- & (bitwise AND)
- | (bitwise OR)
- ~ (bitwise NOT)
- ^ (bitwise XOR)
- << (bitwise left shift)
- >> (bitwise right shift)
- >>> (bitwise unsigned right shift)
- &= (bitwise AND assignment)
- |= (bitwise OR assignment)
- ^= (bitwise XOR assignment)
- <<= (bitwise left shift and assignment)
- >>= (bitwise right shift and assignment)
- >>>= (bitwise unsigned right shift and assignment)
& 与
0 & 0 = 0
0 & 1 = 0
1 & 1 = 1
Usage: 奇偶检查
1 |
| 或
0 | 0 = 0
0 | 1 = 1
1 | 1 = 1
Usage: 条件判断
1 |
~ 非
~0 = 1
~1 = 0
Usage: 补数
1 |
^ 异或
0 ^ 0 = 0
0 ^ 1 = 1
1 ^ 1 = 0
- 0 ^ N = N, N ^ N = 0
- 交换律和结合律: a ^ b = b ^ a, a ^ b ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c)
- 交换两个数
3a = a ^ b;
b = a ^ b;
a = a ^ b; // a, b 值交换 - Single Number
Given a non-empty array of integers nums, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.1
nums.reduce((n,a) => a^n, 0);
<< 左移
a << b is shifting the number a to the left by b places, and add 0 to the last b position
a << b == a * Math.pow(2,b)
Usage: 乘以2的倍数
>> 右移
a >> b is shifting the number a to the right by b places, and add 0 to the last b position
a >> b == a / Math.pow(2,b)
>>> 无符号右移,逻辑右移
a >>> b is shifting the number a to the right by b places, and add 0 to position.
n & (n-1)
假设 n 的二进制表示为:a10⋯0,其中 a 表示若干个高位,1 表示最低位的1,0⋯0 表示后面的若干个0,那么 n-1 的二进制表示为:a01⋯1,将 a10⋯0 与 a01⋯1 进行按位与运算,高位 a 不变,在这之后的所有位都会变为0,这样我们就将最低位的那个1移除了。
n & (-n) / n & (~n + 1)
假设 n 的二进制表示为:a10⋯0,其中 a 表示若干个高位,1 表示最低位的1,0⋯0 表示后面的若干个0,那么 -n 的二进制表示为:(ā01⋯1)+(1) = (ā10⋯0),将 a10⋯0 与 ā10⋯0 进行按位与运算,高位全部变为0,最低位的1以及之后的所有0不变,这样我们就获取了n二进制表示的最低位的1。