Reflection on an Internal Interview

An internal interview

Q1. Three reasons why we should hire you?

  1. I want to gain a great vision for the further, which is important to my product as well as the company, starting from having diversive experience.
  2. I can help the program in some ways. First, I like to observe things and reflection on them. Maybe during the experience, can find places to improve. Moreover, I can help you promote this program especially in China. I have the experience in filming SAP customer stories, which was a branding news.
  3. I am qualified. I have been working at SAP for 3 years as software engineer.

Q2: One reason why we should not hire you?
A2: It depends on your standards for the admission. If I am not qualified or not match well with you options, it is ok not to admit me, which also saves time for me.

Q3: Why are you nervious?
A3: It does not match my expactations because it was described as informal and casual like a conversation, but now it is a real interview. Another reason is that I am not so confidence about the English interview. I am trying to imporve it as well. I am attening some public speaking programs and practicing it.

Talking about hobbies.

Q4: Do you like the conversation now?
A4: It is not about the content but the way we are doing the talk. I am expecting responses and interactions from the conversation. But interview, it is just one employees with questions and one interviewer brought answers.

Q5: Please state one bad thing that you observated from the work.
A5: The work process is too heavy and complicated, making our work not agile enough. But I need not think a better way to make it organizated and simple.
Q6: Why? Did you notice how other big companies deliver their products in a efficient way?
A6: No. I think every company has its pros and cons. The knowledge how other companies or groups are doing the developing and delivering is what I expacted from this program. Hope I can find a better way in your esteemed program. I know this program can bring me to Sicon Villiage where I can have a close look at other big companies and learn a lot from it.

Q7: What is you github account? Why do you hestitate on this question?
A7: 29Esther. Because it is a private thing. Internet are interesting in some way because you do not know who is who.

Q8: Any questions?

  1. How do you value the plum test result? – I am asking this because I hope you can consider the potential qualities in each person and form a strong team to be really agile and play scrum games.
  2. How is you lunch? – Hope you are having a nice day and a good conversation with me. So it is great for my interview.
  3. How do you value a player? I mean the weight of tests and interviews. What do you value most from a candidate?

Learning Points:

  1. Always aim at the target
  2. List you USP (unique selling point) and high light points during preparation
  3. Step out of the question itself and look at the question in a higher level or in the shoes of the interviewers.
  4. Do not need to answer all the questions in a good manner. You just need 3 impressive points.
  5. Try to lead the conversation as much as you can, do not be leaded and trapped.